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Travel Information
The Civilized Explorer Travel Information Page contains links to resources for the visitor to the French West Indies, whether for business or for pleasure. We provide you the information to make all your plans on your own or for you to pick your pleasure and have all the work done for you -- all you need do is relax and enjoy the results.
The Civilized Explorer PaperViewTM is now offering books through Amazon.com, earth's biggest bookstore with shipping worldwide. Look for the Amazon.com logo for links to reviews of books relevant to the topic you are reading about on The Civilized Explorer Travel Information Pages.
The University of Texas is an incredible resource for maps for the world's latest countries, most of the maps being provided by the CIA. They're usually GIFs, and some are large. I am giving a sampling here for quick reference, but you can find them all by using one of these sites to access the main page.
BSDI.COM provides access to a database of times in various locations around the world, in GMT. Dave Donathan has a more graphical interface to finding the time anywhere in the world, with links to "The Ultimate Time Zone Map" (very helpful in seeing where the zones are), sun and moon rises and sets, and more. (See "A Few Facts about GMT, UT, and RGO" for information on the differences between GMT, UTC, UT1, and UT2.)
Travel Document System is a passport and visa expediting service in Washington, DC. They provide a Web site with considerable information on most of the countries in the world. The site is aimed at US travelers going abroad, and it contains entry requirements, health conditions, and travel restrictions. The site is still under construction, so we got many "file not found" messages, but when available, the materials are helpful. They say they will respond to queries on information not currently on site.
Foreign Languages for Travelers has an interesting site -- Pick your native tongue then the language you wish to learn, and you are taken to a page in your language that has pointers for the language you wish to learn. Pick up the basics for "good morning," "water," and "thank you."
Escape Artist is a Web site aimed at people living overseas, whatever that may mean. If you want a job in a foreign country, or if you are an expatriate already, this site has a wealth of information for you. Tips on barge living, Antarctica (!), offshore investments, and expatriate life.
American Express has a currency converter with a "cheat sheet," which not only gives you currency exchange rates, but a table of values for incremental denominations. Its Global Time Converter will show you local times in cities around the world, so you can see who you will wake up when you call.
Tourism Offices Worldwide Directory offers links to national government tourism sites, convention and visitors bureaus, chambers of commerce, and other "official" tourism sites for (at the time of our visit) 1,445 agencies. No travel agencies or other commercial vendors or listed. This is a treasure trove of information, as most of the agencies give calendars of coming events, local festivals, and holidays.
As always, if you have any objections, corrections, suggestions,
or questions, drop us a line via Cyber Poste.
<Phil Stripling>
The Mraur Cyber Poste stamp is Copyright © 1995 by Jim Felter and is used with his kind permission. For more of his work, please drop by
Jas' HomePage.
The Civilized Explorer Travel Information Pages provide information for business and vacation travelers. More than tourism, intelligent travel.
The Travel Information Pages contain links to Web sites providing access to travel related sites for eco-tour (or ecotour, ecotravel, eco-travel -- we try to cover the bases on responsible vacations), adventure, maps, hotels, business, vacation, leisure, tours, ecological tourism, extreme sports, luxurious resorts, villas, hotels, motels, and shacks.
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